5 Ways to Conserve Energy at Home

Posted by & filed under Tips & Tricks.

Caucasian male in a navy blue t shirt turning the lights off in his home.

According to ENERGY STAR®, as much as half of your energy usage goes towards heating and air conditioning your home. The other half? Well, that’s up to you and your family’s personal habits. Cooking, laundry, TV, computers, smart gadgets – they can all add up to some big utility bills. 1. Heating, Ventilation, And Cooling… Read more »

Benefits of Air Conditioning

Posted by & filed under HVAC.

Young while male sitting on a couch turning on his air conditioning while working at a computer

While the rising summer temperatures are a welcome change from bitter Canadian winters and rainy springs, heat and humidity can make indoor living close to unbearable. Air conditioning increases the comfort inside your home, decreasing humidity and cooling down your living spaces. But there’s more to your AC unit than just providing comfort. From improving… Read more »